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Brad Pitt – Fires Back at Former Manager Cynthia Pett- Dante. Just when Brad Pitt felt the time to further distance from the recent past and former costar Angelina Jolie had finally looked to fall into place a new ploy to hold Pitt back has emerged in the media causing the Hollywood actor and new wife grave concern.

The dismal start to the year due to the pressurized appearances Pitt made during the award ceremony season upstaged by saboteurs at red carpet events sent Pitt packing from residing in LA altogether. Fighting off former BWR publicist Cindy Guagneti who became more Jolie’s publicist than ever his led Pitt to feeling optimistic about his future and career.

Signing on for several new film projects including a re-teaming and sequel to Se7ev called 8, Pitt felt the time had come to finally look forward. The harsh realities of the past and long standing vicious continued pursuit of the actor by Paramount boss Brad Grey has instead left Pitt in one country at work and his wife of one year another waiting for a resolution.

Adding to the madness is a determined Tom Cruise and old age grudge that has Cruise believing that he can take from Pitt not just his career but his new wife as well. The measures to return Pitt to the horror he endured at the hands of Jolie and her brother James Haven were stepped up in the lead up to the 2012 Golden Globes.

Pitt refusing to give in entirely informed many reporters that he had attended without Jolie in spite of her appearing to blind side him with her presence at his individual photo ops for the press was on his way back to the South Pacific to join his wife. Without the kids to exploit, Jolie has attempted to keep the charade of her façade union with Pitt going with yet another publicity stunt announcement delivered by former manager Cynthia Pett-Dante.

The announcement came within hours of Pitt publicly acknowledging a security hacking breach on his independent of Jolie and Jolie-Pitt accounts. Grey was believed to be behind the site hacking using a nobody stalker named Amal Mansour to infiltrate the actors love notes to his mixed-raced wife. To make matters worst Cruise has offered that Kesha, the wife of Pitt, attend Cannes with him while he sends Pitt back to the fake coupling of Jolie. Pitt and his wife have refused but Cruise seems determined to ruin their union no matter what it take just the same.

Should Pitt conside legal action against not only against Angelina Jolie, but Tom Cruise and Brad Grey as well?